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Legal Information

Here are some things you need to know to make your wedding legal.

A “Notice of Intent to Marry”  form needs to be lodged with your celebrant at least one month before your wedding date (and is valid for 18 months)

        • it is recommended to have it lodged earlier to allow the following time to be focused on you and your ceremony
        • supporting documentation is required for the lodgement of this form which includes ID.

I am required by law as a Celebrant to provide you with:

        • “Happily Ever…Before and After” marriage education brochure; and
        • the “Code of Conduct” related to a Marriage Celebrant.

A “Declaration of No Legal Impediment to Marriage” will be signed as close to your wedding as possible (preferably at the rehearsal).

The official “Marriage Certificate” will be signed at the ceremony.

A “Commemorative Marriage Certificate” will be given to you at the Ceremony.

I will complete all the paperwork, and send it to BDM within 14 days of the ceremony.

Further information can be found at:-